Monday, March 25, 2013

Planting Trees

Last Tuesday we were very busy planting trees in the orchard. First we had to remove an oak tree from the field that we had previously cut down. Then we cut down one more cedar and moved it. Then we got to work. Alex had already manured each spot for each tree. He hooked a tiller up to the tractor and went to work mixing it together. I started digging the holes. We planted 20 trees in all. Plums, persimmons, paw paws, mayhaws, pears, and cherries. We're still working on where to plant the pecan trees, so we'll have to pot them for now. Still waiting for our other order to come in with the rest!

They're quite small, so we put cages around each one.
Hard to see the cages, but they're out there.

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