Our Sweet Pigs


Wilson is the pig that started it all. The "original pig" or "first in command" as we refer to him. He was our first pig! We got him in June 2010. I was still living with my dad at the time. It was quite a surprise when we brought him home. My dad pretends he doesn't like Wilson, but we all know the truth. He got very attached to this pig. Wilson has been such a great pet.

Wilson was our ring bearer in our wedding in October of 2011.


We got Della in March or 2012, shortly after moving into our new house. She has been a little more difficult to potty train, but she is such a sweet little pig. She loves to snuggle! She and Wilson are on again off again best friends. They didn't start to really get along until it got cold outside and they needed a snuggle buddy.

The Pinks

Next up we got some real farm pigs. We refer to them as the pinks. I think Alex brought them home in May or June. (I had to work the day he went to get them.) They've gotten significantly bigger than our mini pigs. They probably weigh in now at about 180. They are big! They have always been friendly with us. They nearly knock us over when we're in their paddock and they want to play.

Our Outdoor Minis
In June, we found 3 of our minis. We call them Pinky, Big D, and Drake. They are really sweet, but so shy. They come up to the fence when we approach them, but they won't let us pet them.

Big D, Pinky, and Drake

In July we brought home Perry. We kept him inside at first, because we weren't set up for him outside. He now lives with Winnie, next door to the other three. She was born in October 2012.

Winnie and Perry

The Reds

In September we got ourselves our first heritage hogs, Red Wattles. We've been talking about getting into heritage hogs for a long time, and we were stoked when we brought these two home.


  1. Adorable -- you are living my dream! Thank you so much for sharing these gorgeous pictures.

  2. Hi, maybe I'm not seeing something that would answer this on your website, --are you raising some of these to slaughter one day, or are they all 'pets'?

    1. We have taken several to the butcher for meat. We do both.
