Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Wood Chopping

A couple of weeks ago our wonderful neighbors down the road saw us outside chopping wood with an ax. They stopped by and offered to let us borrow their 20 ton gas powered chopper. We have a small chopper, its an 8 ton electric, and we were trying to make some really big pieces easier to handle with the ax. We borrowed theirs and spent that whole weekend powering through all the wood we needed to get chopped up.
Here is before:

Both sides of our carport looked like this. The logs were very large! We would have had one heck of a time getting these chopped up.

Here is our after shot!

It was a lot of hard work, but it felt so good to have gotten it all finished. We also had cut down a few trees on the other side of the house, and we got that all chopped up for the most part.

Now we have lots of wood for this winter! I have a feeling its going to be a very cold and snowy one. We've already started lighting fires in the house to keep it warm and toasty for these indoor piggies of ours.

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