Sunday, March 16, 2014

Great Way to Cut up Logs

Check out our latest YouTube video for a great way to cut up your logs.
Here at Sweet Pig Farm we are working on clearing away lots of trees to make room for an orchard and pasture for our animals. We have discovered this awesome way to save us time and energy to cut up the logs.

Cutting Up Logs

We are able to cut down and cut up a tree in 30 minutes to an hour (depending on size) with just us two.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Indoor Starter Greenhouse

We're getting ready for a busy spring. We got our vegetable garden started by planting some tomatoes, husk cherries, and peppers inside.

We're trying something a little different this year. We've made a mini greenhouse to put in our bay window.

We used a clear under the bed storage container to make our greenhouse.
We took toilet paper rolls and cut them in half and then filled them with potting soil. Then planted our seeds.

This should help cut down on watering and keep our plants warmer. We only set our heater for 60* and when we're home heat it the rest of the way with our wood burning stove.

We labeled the outside with what we've planted where and when with a dry erase marker.

We saved plenty of room for more. We've ordered some more seeds today, including more varieties of tomatoes. I would like to try growing some yellow potatoes and sweet potatoes, but we need to get those soon to get them started. I've also ordered some butternut squash and spaghetti squash. I'm going to be busy making lots of dishes with all of our produce to freeze and eat over winter.... that's the plan anyway!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Mini Piglet Blowing Bubbles

One of Della's piglets started doing the cutest thing. She would blow bubbles in her water bowl. We think Uncle Wilson taught her, but she put her own spin on it! Check it out! Its really cute.

See Video Here :)

Blowing bubbles

Baby girl with her momma