Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Bye Little Piglets and Thanks to Josh!

Della and her piglets, basking in the sun.

We had a busy and productive weekend. We sold our mini piglets. Two went Saturday and the others went on Sunday. Della was pretty calm throughout the process, and even a little relieved. She seems a little out of sorts now; she keeps checking the bathroom (which is where we had her little nursery).

Saturday night we went into St. Louis and got to see my cousin's band play. Fiawna Forte rocks! They're from Oklahoma. They're new music was great, and I can't wait til they release their next album!

Sunday we spent the day clearing all the big logs out of the field. A big shout out to our friend, Josh, who came down to spend the day helping us. Thanks!! We cut down two more trees and even got the big burn pile a little more than halfway burnt. We also go two loads of manure. We need all the manure we can get, because the soil is clay out here.

We even got a piglet update yesterday. One of the spotted boys is doing very well in his new home! He's been named Henry. I love getting piglet updates! They make us smile big time!
Little Henry in his new home

1 comment:

  1. Can you tell me where Della and the dad came from when you got them? Feel free to private msg me at info@preciouspigs.com.
