Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Snow Day + New Chicks

Thursday we got quite a bit of sleet/snow. Alex got Thursday off work, which was a relief because driving in this stuff is not fun. I had to work, but got to work before it started, parked in a garage, and then came home after most traffic and the streets were decently plowed. Our piggies did not get their afternoon snack on Thursday because the weather was really bad. I got pictures of them on Friday. They always come running out of the barn to greet us.

Breakfast time

These little guys did not want to be outside in this weather. They refused to come out for breakfast, so I brought it in to them.

Our farm pigs with their manger behind them. Alex did a great job building this and it stays pretty warm. Its an earthen shelter.

Alex feeding the birds

Saturday morning we got up nice and early to go to our local farm store at 7am. They were having their annual cockerel sale. Baby roosters 5 for $0.50. You can't beat that! We got 15 of them. Last year we got 25 and it was a lot! I think 15 will be more manageable. They really help in the summertime with bugs! Ticks are especially hated by us, but we didn't have many last year.

Our new chicks

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