Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Guinea Hogs!

   Well, we've always wanted guinea hogs for our farm. On Sunday we took a road trip down to Tennessee to get 3. We brought home 2 girls and a boy. They're all related, so we won't be using the boy to breed. We're thinking we'll use our mini pig, Drake, to breed with them. He's the bigger of our mini pigs and we have read on other sites about people doing this.
Guinea hogs stay short and get chubby. I keep telling Alex that they remind me of Wilson when he was a piglet. They have big cow eyes like Wilson.
    Anyway, here are some pictures.

    Unloading them was a bit stressful. Alex pulled the little boy out of the truck and handed him to me, and when I turned around to put him in the pen one of the girls jumped out of the truck and ran into the woods. We were worried about her of course, but thought she'd come back since the other 2 were here (and she did). Alex sliced his finger on something in this process and now has a huge gash on his index finger. While he was washing it and dressing it, I grabbed some sweet feed for the boy (who was alone at this point) to see if it would calm him down. Next thing we know, Big D had crawled under the fence and was now in the pen with him. She didn't like him eating with her. He got into their space and ran out into their electric fencing and I thought we were gonna lose him too. We got him back, and got Big D back where she belonged. We unloaded the other girl and I filled up a pool for them. (I had to take Della and Wilson's pool. Don't tell Della, because she really likes to swim.) They jumped in the water almost right away.
    Yesterday, I had to work, but Alex found that the girl who had run off was hanging around. He was able to trap her and put her in with her little family. They're doing well today. They're starting to come around to us, but they're still very shy. We'll work with them. Hopefully we'll be rubbing their little bellies in no time!

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