Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Rosemarie's Garden

I have been working on this garden on and off since early spring. I started by completely tearing out everything that was growing there. It also had a sort of decorative rock bed that I had to remove. I pulled 5 wheelbarrows full of this rock out of here. And whatever these plants were, they were terrible to pull out. There root system was crazy. I got everything out, had Alex till it up with our tractor. A couple weeks later more stuff was popping up, so I pulled everything up and he tilled it again. It was a process.

I also pulled the rock "wall" out and rebuilt it. This took me a couple days to do. I didn't do it all at once. And there were several large rocks that I didn't know what to do with. I ended up putting them in the middle in an attempted artistic looking way.

This is how it looked after all of that. A nice blank canvas.

Then I had to decide what to plant in this garden. I originally wanted to do an assortment of daylillies and some decorative shrubs. Then one day we were at our local Buccheits, and I saw a wildflower shade mix. I thought that would be perfect. So we got a box and I planted them.

Here it is about a month ago.

And here it is now.

The blooms are small and they seem to just be getting started, but it looks really pretty. It's hard to get a good picture of it. I plan on buying the same seed mix next spring and planting even more. It's a very beautiful perennial mix, and adding more seeds will only help it.

My uncle saw the post of all our gardens a few weeks ago and suggested that I name a garden for my grandmother. He suggested "Rosemarie's Garden." I had to think for a little while which garden I wanted to name for her. And this one has become quite pretty and the more I thought about it the more it made sense for me. This was that garden.

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