Friday, July 19, 2013

Mud Diving Pigs

I changed out their pool water today and this is what they did while I filled up their pools with fresh water.

 First there was nosing in the mud.

 Then plopping down.

 You can see he is covered pretty well here.

Now this is cute. They started taking turns diving into it and almost sliding across.

It really was cute. I wish I had filmed it instead. I'll have to do that next time.

The mud is really good for their skin. It helps keep them from drying out and it keeps the bugs from bothering them so much. The bugs have really gotten bad here in the last couple of weeks. I know that this fresh water won't be fresh for long though. They will swim in the pool and wash all the mud from their skin. I've been changing their pool water out at least once a week, but often twice.

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